I went to see this at the Edinburgh Omni Centre Vue last night. It’s the true story of Aron Ralston, the climber and canyoneer who cut off his own arm after being pinned under a rock at the bottom of Blue John Canyon in Utah.
It’s already been nominated for a number of Oscars, including Best Film and a Best Actor nod for James Franco. And rightly so, I say! I wouldn’t give it Best Film because Inception deserves that one, but James Franco’s performance as Ralston was absolutely stellar. Even if Colin Firth is definitely going to win, without a shadow of a doubt (I have yet to see The King’s Speech).
And whilst we’re on the subject, why the hell has Christopher Nolan not got a Best Director nomination for Inception? Grrr!
Sorry, I’m getting off track. I’m a big, big fan of Danny Boyle; no two films of his are ever alike, but they’re always excellent. The editing is brilliant and at around 90 minutes long, 127 Hours rollicks along at a nice, snappy pace. I can’t stress how good James Franco’s performance is though. It has to be though because he basically is the film. You may therefore conclude that this film is brilliant.
Oh and that scene? I nearly gnawed through my finger watching it.